
Hi! I’m Andrea, your fellow working mom who is trying her best to keep it all together. I know that life as a working mom is a crazy journey. A constant juggling act where career goals meet the joys and often overwhelming responsibilities of motherhood. Through Work Life Mom Blog, my goal is to help you find easy ways to achieve balance in the daily craziness. 

Why I Started Work Life Mom Blog

After my first child was born, I felt like I was split in two when I went back to work. I loved my job and had fabulous coworkers, but I also craved quality time with my son. As the weeks went on, couldn’t escape the guilt that someone else was getting all of those little moments with my baby. About 18 months later, his brother joined the family and those feelings multiplied. It seemed like I was the only one going through that time. I craved a community where I could share my thoughts with other moms who were going through the same thing. I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for, so I decided to create one.

So here at Work Life Mom Blog, I will be sharing mom-tested tips to help you find balance between work and time with your family, advice for practicing self care, easy recipes, and lessons learned along the way. I invite you to join this community that truly gets the challenges of trying to manage it all. From navigating the corporate world, keeping track of all the things at home, or finding some ways to take care of yourself, my goal is to provide a little guidance, inspiration and find humor along the way.

Grab a cup of coffee (or a glass of wine), take some deep breaths, and join us as we support each other on this journey!

#WorkingMoms #Balance #Empowerment #ModernMotherhood

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