My Blogging Journey

My first shot at this blogging journey began in 2018. It had been on my mind for a while, but I couldn’t decide where to start. I just knew that I wanted to create a community that I couldn’t find anywhere else. A place for other mom’s like me who felt like they were always trying to keep too many balls in the air. From raising my kids to working full time, it all felt overwhelming. I searched for something that felt right, but came up short. Life got in the way then and I ended up taking a break. That break lasted several years until the past few months where I couldn’t get it out of my head and decided to give it another shot.

There is so much noise online about starting a blog and building a community. For months, I saved posts and videos to feel like I was making progress. They almost all led me to the same thing. Purchasing a roadmap or investing a lot of money into something that I just wasn’t sure about. I’ve decided to map this out on my own and am inviting you to follow this journey as I navigate the process.

I will be sharing monthly updates on how things are going, including any tips or free resources I find along the way. Subscribe to my e-mail list to get all of the updates. Thanks for joining!

It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.

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