Ever feel like you’re sprinting into the holiday season with your shoelaces untied? No matter how much I think I’m prepared, I always feel like I’m scrambling when December hits. There are events to remember, school performances to attend, and all the shopping to do. Finding time to unwind during the holidays is difficult, but so worth it to help me focus on the things that matter and not spend the whole season stressed out.
There are seldom days where I am able to find a large time block for self care. One thing that helps me stay a little grounded is to build small pockets of time into my daily routine so I’m less likely to skip the things that keep me calm. Here are my favorite ways to squeeze in a little time to reset, relax, and clear my head.
Morning Mindfulness
Start the day with a moment of peace and quiet. For me, that looks like a quiet 15 minutes to drink that first cup of coffee and read, listen to a short podcast, or just think about the day ahead. A short yoga or meditation session is also a great way to start your morning. Find a peaceful spot, sit quietly, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Allow your mind to let go of stress and worries, creating a sense of calm to begin your day on a positive note. This one is a little harder for me first thing in the morning, but I always feel better when I make the time. You can find my favorite 5 morning self-care tips in this post.

Photo by Alejandro Aznar
Finding intentional time to exercise is another great way to unwind during the holidays. I like to take my dog for a walk when things get overwhelming. It’s easy to justify stepping away from whatever I’m doing when I know he will benefit, too. I pop in my AirPods and tune everything out while we walk. If I’ve been sitting for a long period of time, I’ll turn on one of my favorite 15 minute stretch or yoga videos to help relieve some of that holiday stress. This time for me is less about getting in a workout and more about just moving my body. I like to set alerts on my phone to remind me to move every couple of hours.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska
Technology Breaks
Reminding myself to put down my phone and do one thing that fills me up also helps me unwind when things get overwhelming. My first thought when I get a break is to pick up my phone, check social media, or look at my email. Before I know it, I’ve gotten sucked in and I’ve lost 30 minutes of my day scrolling, and I resent myself for not being productive. I put a little sticky note on the back of my phone to remind me to put it down and do three things before I look. Simple things like watering the plants, putting away a load of laundry, or planning out dinner helps me feel more accomplished and less stressed.
Journaling and Reflection
Writing is another way I love to clear my head during the holidays. I start with a “brain dump” and write down everything that’s in my head. Then, I highlight the things I need to do that day and set the list aside. Getting things out of my head and on to paper helps me to be more creative and focus on journaling or getting my thoughts out in a blog post. I love this notebook because it also has space for me to color when I’m not ready to write. My other favorite way to journal is to use a one line a day journal. I love that it’s simple and open-ended because I don’t feel the pressure to write a novel. I usually write one new thing I’ve learned that day, one thing I’m grateful for, and one thing I want to remember.
Photo by Alina Vilchenko
Reading or Watching Feel-Good Content
Getting lost in a good book or show helps me take my mind off of everything and tune out the noise. I LOVE listening to audio books (hello, holiday romance) while folding laundry or cleaning up around the house. It makes the task feel more enjoyable and less like work. When I’m watching, reading or listening to relax, I like to choose something light that doesn’t make me think. I also love snuggling up with my kids and watching a holiday movie with their favorite snack. I know they won’t want to do this forever, so I’m cherishing the time I have now.
Deciding Once
This year, I’ve started listening to Kendra Adachi’s podcasts and audiobooks. If you haven’t checked her out, I highly recommend it. My favorite concept that she shares is her idea of deciding once. I tend to overthink things and this idea helps me unwind during the holidays by making a choice and sticking with it. Don’t know what to gift the teachers? Decide once that I’m going to get each of them a treat and a Starbucks card. Worried about my class donations for the holiday party? Sign up for tablecloths and napkins every time and stock up on those suckers so I’m not always rushing to the store.
While I lean on these six things more heavily to unwind during the holidays, they are also great things to practice year-round. I’m constantly adding new ideas to my list to help me find little ways to relax. If you have a favorite way that you practice self care or eliminate some holiday stress, I’d love to hear them in the comments!